ent on behalf of the ALFAS E-Board
Dear ALFAS community:
Please join us for our first all-member meeting at the Storrs campus on Oct. 19, from 12 pm- 1 pm in the Student Union, AsACC Program Room, 4th Floor, RM 428.
This is a hybrid event and for those who prefer to join us online, the link is:
https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m4e0e4f486870096e218f2ed5d0630e35 .
Our past presidents, Fany Hannon, and Susana Ulloa, will discuss the history of our organization and share how their leadership has contributed to the growth of our organization.
Please RSVP to our event and we look forward to connecting with you soon!
If you would like to be removed from this email list, please email Kathy Pais directly at katerine.pais@uconn.edu